Wherein are shown various people (including me in my wizard's robes) throwing suggestions, complaints etc. at the SCS project. They implemented the SCS S3 compiler - a high level language based on Algol 68 for systems programming on the ICL VME 2900 series.
See Wiki on International Computers Ltd for more about ICL, it was later incorporated into Fujitsu.>
I designed and implemented a testbed called S3TEST which could interpret an extended subset of S3 and intercept calls from S3.
Example of S3TEST 'hello world' program and a call from SCL:
EXLBL(*LS3,,E) S3TEST ---- EXT PROC(REF REAL)REAL ICL9CM1SQRT REAL R; INT J GLOBAL PROC CIRCLE IS (INT RADIUS:=7): FOR I FROM -RADIUS TO RADIUS DO J:=ICL9CM1SQRT(R:=49-(J*J))*1.6666 Q_PUTLINE(CONCAT( FILL(39-J), "HELLO"(1000-I MOD 5), FILL(2*J,"."), "HELLO"(1000+I MOD 5)) REPEAT QLOAD() ++++ DECLAREPARAMETERDEFINERS EXT PROC CIRCLE IS (SPDI RADIUS:=7) CIRCLE LL E............O H................H O..................E L....................L L......................L E......................O H......................H O......................E L......................L L....................L E..................O H................H O............E LL